Ira Khan, daughter of Bollywood actor Aamir Khan, recently shared some previously unseen pictures from her wedding with Nupur Shikhare. The wedding took place earlier this year at the Taj Aravali Resort in Udaipur, Rajasthan. These throwback photos, featuring her cousin Zayn Marie, were accompanied by a heartfelt message.
The pictures capture moments of joy and celebration, with Ira posing happily as a bride. One notable photo shows Zayn Marie prominently in the foreground, addressing the guests with a microphone, while Ira stands behind her, glowing with happiness. The photos offer a glimpse into the intimate and joyous moments of their wedding celebration.
The exchange between Ira Khan and Zayn Marie highlights their close relationship and the significant role Zayn played in Ira’s wedding. Ira’s caption, “What I mean when I say I’ve got your back,” suggests a deep sense of support and love. Zayn’s playful response, “Hahahhahahhahahhahaha,” adds a lighthearted touch to their interaction, reflecting their camaraderie.
Zayn Marie had the honor of officiating Ira Khan’s wedding, which she expressed as a profound privilege. She shared heartfelt emotions in a long note, describing herself as the “SOB – sister of the bride” and how she was overwhelmed with feelings, noting the transformation of Ira from a child to a married woman. Zayn’s note also included a warm mention of Nupur Shikhare, expressing her love for both Ira and Nupur and extending her blessings.
This post and Zayn’s emotional note encapsulate the deep bond and affection between the sisters, as well as their joy and emotional journey during Ira’s wedding.