The third season of Bigg Boss OTT, hosted by the ever-charismatic Anil Kapoor, is set to enchant audiences with a house that embodies fantasy and wonder. Designed by the acclaimed art director Omung Kumar and production designer Vanita Garud, the house promises to captivate both contestants and viewers alike. Following the grand reveal of Anil Kapoor as this season’s host, the first glimpse of the fantastical Bigg Boss OTT 3 house has been unveiled, showcasing its magical allure.
The bedroom, reminiscent of a time-warped theatre from a fantasy world, exudes the charm of silhouette cutout backdrops. The unique character of the house carries through to the kitchen, which resembles a quaint vineyard with stone walls and whimsical wine barrels, creating a cozy yet playful atmosphere. A large bridge links the living room to the storeroom, suspended over a water-printed carpet, adding a serene touch to the home.
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